Friday 30 October 2009

NLP Presuppositions

NLP presuppositions are extremely useful as a guide to the thinking behind NLP.
There are many NLP Presuppositions; below you will find some of the best-known NLP pre-suppositions to help get you started.

If you go on doing what you're doing now you are very likely to go on getting the same results as you are getting now

This pre-supposition is saying that we are each responsible for our own lives. Even though we cant change what happens in the world around us we can control how we respond to these events. When we change the way we respond, we will change the result we get.

If you want something different you must do something different, and keep varying your behaviour until you get the result that you want

Here we learn that there is a solution to every situation if you're prepared to keeping on looking until you find it.

You cannot not communicate

This pre-supposition says that we are always communicating, by what we do or don't say, and by non-verbal signals. People instantly make opinions on others by the way that person stands/walks-This is part of non-verbal communication

The meaning of your communication is the response that you get

People will respond to what they think you mean, which may be an accurate or inaccurate interpretation of your intended meaning. We need to talk to people rather then at people. By recognising people’s responses we can change our communication to suit the individual.

The map is not the territory

We are always slightly separated from 'reality'. We draw maps, but the map is not actually the place it depicts and we need to be responsive to what is actually happening around us rather than complaining that things aren't as they should be.

If one person can do something, anyone else can learn to do it

We can model people who are excellent in an activity in such a way as to identify what they do that gives them such a positive outcomes. Once we identify the differences and the systems they use we can communicate this to other people who can then learn to perform with a similar level of skill and excellence.

There is no such thing as failure, only feedback

When something doesn't go as we planned, some people will see this as failure. If we see the situation as feedback rather than failure, we start to change from a negative to positive state. Instead of feeling bad we feel free to form a new plan of action and try again, asking ourselves what can I learn from my last experience.

Do you want to add any more NLP presuppositions? E-mail and we will add them to the blog

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