Friday 9 April 2010

NLP Training-Who do you recommend?

Many of our NLP practice group members are new to NLP and after practicing NLP techniques and seeing how effective they are first hand, they are quickly bitten by the NLP-Bug, wanting to learn more and become an NLP practitioner. Other members are already NLP practitioners, attending the group to increase their knowledge and delivery of NLP techniques and most are ready to take their training to the next level.

We also receive e-mails from nlp-ers from around the UK, who tell they follow our blog, print of the techniques and practice them with friends.

We are often asked which NLP (and other Techniques such as Solution Focus, LAB Profiling, Life coaching, etc) Trainers/Companies we would recommend.

We would like to put a list together of Training organisations, their contact details and more importantly your reviews and thoughts. Have you had undertaken any training? How would you rate them? Send us an e-mail and your experiences may help others to pick the right training organisation.

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