Wednesday 20 January 2010

''How to have kick-ass ideas''. A book recommendation.

While searching through my girlfriends book collection looking for something to read I came across a book by the title "How to have kick ass ideas" and on the front of the cover there was a picture of a naked man jumping in the air; it instantly intrigued me.

After quickly flipping through the book I recognised that all the ideas and techniques in the book were mainly NLP techniques. I did a bit of research and discovered that the author is an NLP Master Practitioner, and a very good one at that. The book teaches you how to be creative and how to do this in a very creative way.

I am recommending this book as it’s a lot of fun to read, easy to follow, with a large amount of pictures (no more naked men) and it promotes having a go yourself.  I love the use of strange and interesting suggestions, ideas and ways for you to be creative yourself with “poo sticks” being one of the books more interesting and successful ideas.  The book is sure to make lot’s of money!!

After reading the book, I used some of the ideas (mixed with my own interpretation and style) to help a group of school children be more creative and to solve problems. The children loved the exercises (the teacher looked worried when I suggested everyone should have a 5 minutes sleep (you become more creative while sleeping as you start to engage the unconscious mind). All of the children and myself had a lot of fun during the lesson thanks to some of the exercises in this book.

Highly recommended.

To view this book click the link under NLP BOOKs

If you have read a really great book which has inspired you and you would like to recommend it to the group, please tell us about it and we will add it to the blog.  Email:

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